Kathy Pease leads implementation and professional learning at Skillsline, supporting educators, schools, and organizations across the country to create impactful human skills learning programs. Kathy is a lifelong educator who recently retired from one of the largest school districts in Illinois as the Chief Academic Officer.
Kathy has dedicated her time as an educator striving to make sure the skills being taught in public schools go beyond just academic studies to develop the whole learner, equipping them with the skills needed to be confident in themselves, build relationships with others, and be prepared for both career and life transitions.
Kathy joined Skillsline because she believes in the mission and vision for building human skills to change the workforce and support them through changes in the work place.
Following a 35-year career in public education, Kathy now leads implementation and professional learning at Skillsline. She supports educators, schools and organizations across the country to create impactful human skills learning programs.